Book Review: The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins

Since I enjoyed The Woman in White so much–and you can read my extreme fangirling over Marian here–I thought I would read another highly acclaimed Wilkie Collins book. I have been told, in fact, that this is much better than The Woman in White. This, of course, shows that literature is frequently a matter of…

Book Review: The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins

So I thought this review had been posted on WordPress, but in fact it was over on the Old Blog. I just finished The Moonstone so I thought I would post this one as well, because it’s Wilkie Collins Appreciation Hour here on Eclectic and Eccentric. Walter Hartright is making his lonely way home one…

Austen’s Flawed Heroes

I’m aware it’s strange that this blog veers wildly between “weird, esoteric horror mystery” and “isn’t Jane Austen just the greatest”, but it ain’t called “Eclectic and Eccentric” for nothing. Today, I’d like to take a look at Jane Austen’s unpopular heroes. You know, the flawed ones, the boring ones, the ones that just don’t…